Mission Statement, Purposes and Goals
The Liberty Bell Center for Constitutional Studies exists to educate all of our Lehigh Valley residents, young and old, to the original intent of our founding fathers when they finished creating the U.S. constitution in September 1787, and to teach the 28 principles that guided them when crafting this most precious document. (We are currently not formally recongnized by the State, but are working towards incorporating as a 501 (c)(3))
-We accomplish this task by:
1.Holding a monthly study/discussion group meeting.
2.Presenting historical movies/documentaries in a separate monthly gathering.
3.Coordinating with local organizations to best educate the public.
-We use the book The 5000 Year Leap, by Dr. W. Cleon Skousen and the Heritage Guide to the Constitution which present the principles and documents upon which we base our governance.
-We are an apolitical organization, not affiliated with any of the country's political parties or associated P.A.C. groups therein. Our meetings are not political forums for disruptive discourse related to current events. Instead, ours is to educate and leave policy decisions to personal choice.