"Federalism, Freedom and the Constitution" 6 minute video.
"Liberty! The American Revolution" An Excellent six part PBS documentary series.
"The Incredible Bread Machine" An incredibly entertaining 30 minute documentary on individual liberty and the parasitism of government.
The Constitution (Text, Audio)
The Second Treatise of Civil Government, by John Locke (Text, Audio)
The Rights of the Colonists, by Samuel Adams (Text)
Common Sense, by Thomas Paine (Text, Audio)
Farewell Address, by George Washington (Text, Audio)
The Federalist Papers, by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay (Text, Audio)
The Law, by Frédéric Bastiat (Text, Audio)
Civil Disobedience, by Henry David Thoreau (Text, Audio)
Contemporary Texts:
The 5000 Year Leap, by W. Cleon Skousen (Audio)
The American Revolution and Classical Liberalism, by Murray Rothbard (Audio)
What Has the Government Done to Our Money? by Murray Rothbard (Text, Audio)
Economics in One Lesson, by Henry Hazlitt (Text)
The Case Against the Fed, by Murray Rothbard (Text, Audio)
Conceived in Liberty - Vol. 1, by Murray Rothbard (Text, Audio)
Conceived in Liberty - Vol. 2, by Murray Rothbard (Text, Audio)
Conceived in Liberty - Vol. 3, by Murray Rothbard (Text, Audio)
Conceived in Liberty - Vol. 4, by Murray Rothbard (Text)
Life, Liberty, and Property Are Inseparable, by Tom Mullen
Natural Law Provides the Answers, by Tom Mullen
What Is The U.S. Constitution? by Timothy Baldwin
Romans Chapter 13 Revisited, by Chuck Baldwin
Does the Federal Government have a right to take your property? by Ryan Burgett
Gold and Freedom, by Jacob Hornberger
Lecture Series:
The Truth About American History: An Austro-Jeffersonian Perspective
The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History
The History of Liberty
Economics 101