Friday, January 1, 2010

"Paper Money and the Constitution"

by Rick Lynch,

Why do we have a Constitution? How and why did it come into existence? Just what, exactly, prompted the calling of the Constitutional Convention, which gave birth to it? Most Americans believe, logically enough, that with the passing of the British from the scene it was simply time to create a new government to take the place of the old. That notion, however, ignores the facts that Americans already had a functioning government at the time of the Convention and that that government had been in effect for six years following the final British defeat at Yorktown.

No, the overthrow of the old government and the establishment of the new were prompted by an internal tumult... that had nothing to do with the departure of the British. That crisis revolved around the printing of paper money by some of the newly freed states. . . .

To read the entire article, click here.

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