By Earl Taylor Jr,
"It seems altogether fitting in this month of December that as the Nation officially celebrates the birth of the Savior of mankind, we reflect on the document that guarantees to us the opportunity to do so. It was only about 50 years after the writing of the Constitution that a young twenty-six year-old Abraham Lincoln, then a member of the Illinois General Assembly, raised a warning voice about a trend he observed by those who would sidetrack America's great experiment of freedom..."
To read the entire newsletter, click here.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
The Natural Order... and Me
Dear friends and students of liberty,
I have been serving with LBCCS since April of 2009, and have made it known to the Board that I will be stepping down as chairman in January of 2011. My time at LBCCS has been invaluable to me personally and I am a different person today because of it. While the study of truth impacts each person differently, my study of history, economics and political philosophy has left me on my knees. I am in awe of the natural order which governs the universe as a whole and mankind in particular. But even more than my awe for the natural order is my awe for the Creator who has brought it into existence.
In the midst of these last almost two years, the biggest breakthrough in my thinking came when I realized the connection between truth and order. Truth cannot exist apart from order, and order cannot exist apart from truth. If truth did not exist, order could not be possible. And if order did not exist, then truth could not be possible. If I drop a book, it will fall. That is a display of the law of gravity. This is a truth inherent to this world. I can drop that same book over and over and will always have the same result. Now, what if there was no truth? What if I could not trust gravity to always pull my book down? What if the book sometimes went up and sometimes went down? And what about mathematical laws? What if two plus two only sometimes equals four? In that case, there would be no order. But because there is truth, there is order. And because there is order, we know there is truth. That is the beauty of the Enlightenment, when men came to a new realization of the natural order, and it drove them to find the truth behind it. It is from this investigation of order that we have come to know the truth today which we call the natural order, or natural law.
But not only does truth and order speak of each other, they speak of a Creator. We call it the natural order, but the truth is that order does not spring up naturally from nothing. Truth requires an anchor, but order is not that anchor. This truth speaks of an almighty and intelligent Creator. The anchor from which all truth flows is God Himself. Jesus said, “I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life.” We also learn from the book of John that, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” Jesus is truth, and all truth flows from Him. When He created this universe, He wove into its very fabric natural laws that govern the actions of it men, as well as the other laws which we study in textbooks. Two plus two will always equal four. This is an example of the law of mathematics. As I mentioned before, when I drop my book, it always goes down. This is an example of the law of gravity. But what exactly are these natural laws which govern mankind? Richard Maybury put it best, (1) Do all that you have agreed to do (honor contracts) and (2) Do not encroach upon other persons or their property. And Jesus, the author of all truth, put it this way, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Mat. 7.12 paraphrase). These laws can also be learned by simply observing society. When I violate a person’s life, liberty, or property, the result is always violence, chaos and anger. But when I respect a person’s life, liberty, and property, the result is peace, order and happiness. From this simple example, we can see that a society which respects natural law would abound in peace, order and happiness, while a society which violates natural law will result in violence, chaos, and anger. This is readily observable in the world today. The countries which most respect these natural laws have the most peace, order, and happiness, while the countries which have least respect for the natural laws are the most violent, chaotic, and angry places on the planet.
But the unfortunate truth of today is that the last vestiges of natural law in our nation are being set aside. The rest of the world set them aside long ago with obvious consequences, but rather than learn from their mistakes, we are dashing headlong toward them. The United States was started by many men with a profound respect for the Creator and the laws which He built into the universe, and as result it quickly grew to prominence among the nations of the world and eventually surpassed them. Following the morality inherent in natural law, the government in this nation was designed to allow total economic and personal freedom to the individual. These are rights of individuals which do not have their origin in government, but in natural law. It is only a government which does not respect natural law, that would think they had a right to violate by force a person’s rights to life, liberty, or property. Only a government that supposes they have the right to violate an individual’s rights would take it upon themselves to regulate how a person can live their life and run their business. But this is contrary to natural law, and is therefore an immoral and illegal action. The book of Romans, chapter 13, tells us that God has given human government the authority to punish evildoers, which are those people who violate the rights of others. But the Bible stops there and gives human government no more power than that. We realize from this, that the governments of today which institutionalize the violation of their citizens’ rights, are acting on authority not granted by God, but granted by themselves. They have in fact become gods unto themselves, granting themselves authority which is reserved for God alone, and not human government. Then these men build great temples to themselves and lord over us. Have you ever been to Washington, DC? Can these great monuments and ivory temples speak of anything else? Behold the White Temple, the Capitol Temple, the Supreme Court’s Temple and the Federal Reserve’s Temple! If that is not proof enough, observe the famous “Apotheosis of Washington” which adorns the ceiling of the Capitol Rotunda dome! This mural is a depiction of Washington attaining godhood, the same godhood our supposed leaders of today feel they have right to. But George Washington was not a god, and neither are they. There is only one living God, and He is the Lord Jesus Christ. And even though our nation’s leaders print “in God we trust” on our coins and dollar bills, the only god they know is themselves.
The battle for liberty is deeper and darker than most are willing to admit. The same forces fighting against liberty both at home and abroad today are the spiritual descendents of the same tyrants seen through ages past. The only antidote to the problems of our nation today and the world as a whole is a renewed understanding of absolute truth, and a renewed faith in the one true God. The problems we face are not political problems, but heart problems. So while we continue the fight to restore natural law to its proper place in government, we must also acknowledge and live it in each of our everyday lives. We must respect each others rights to life, liberty, and property, and always treat others as we would have them treat us. This is the summation of the second greatest commandment, which is to “love your neighbor as yourself.” But as we strive to live out that commandment, let us never forget the first and greatest commandment, which is to “love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”
So now I find myself moving forward in life. In January I will begin the distance learning program with Calvary Chapel Bible College. There is no more concentrated a book of truth than the Bible itself and I am excited to devote myself into even deeper study of it. My life calling is to spread truth and my continuing studies will aid me in this endeavor. Between family, work, church, and now school responsibilities, I will no longer have the time and energy to devote to LBCCS, hence my reason for stepping down. I will dearly miss LBCCS and the friends I have made through it, but I am excited to see where God leads. My main goal through LBCCS was to spread truth, and that mission in my life has not changed. As I learn and grow, I am moving to new forums where I can fulfill my calling. In the meantime, my primary outlet is my new website, From there I will be writing articles and recording audio commentary on the greatest book ever written, the Bible, and I look forward to a day in the future when I can work full time in this great work of spreading truth.
Blessings in liberty,
Ryan Burgett
I have been serving with LBCCS since April of 2009, and have made it known to the Board that I will be stepping down as chairman in January of 2011. My time at LBCCS has been invaluable to me personally and I am a different person today because of it. While the study of truth impacts each person differently, my study of history, economics and political philosophy has left me on my knees. I am in awe of the natural order which governs the universe as a whole and mankind in particular. But even more than my awe for the natural order is my awe for the Creator who has brought it into existence.
In the midst of these last almost two years, the biggest breakthrough in my thinking came when I realized the connection between truth and order. Truth cannot exist apart from order, and order cannot exist apart from truth. If truth did not exist, order could not be possible. And if order did not exist, then truth could not be possible. If I drop a book, it will fall. That is a display of the law of gravity. This is a truth inherent to this world. I can drop that same book over and over and will always have the same result. Now, what if there was no truth? What if I could not trust gravity to always pull my book down? What if the book sometimes went up and sometimes went down? And what about mathematical laws? What if two plus two only sometimes equals four? In that case, there would be no order. But because there is truth, there is order. And because there is order, we know there is truth. That is the beauty of the Enlightenment, when men came to a new realization of the natural order, and it drove them to find the truth behind it. It is from this investigation of order that we have come to know the truth today which we call the natural order, or natural law.
But not only does truth and order speak of each other, they speak of a Creator. We call it the natural order, but the truth is that order does not spring up naturally from nothing. Truth requires an anchor, but order is not that anchor. This truth speaks of an almighty and intelligent Creator. The anchor from which all truth flows is God Himself. Jesus said, “I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life.” We also learn from the book of John that, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” Jesus is truth, and all truth flows from Him. When He created this universe, He wove into its very fabric natural laws that govern the actions of it men, as well as the other laws which we study in textbooks. Two plus two will always equal four. This is an example of the law of mathematics. As I mentioned before, when I drop my book, it always goes down. This is an example of the law of gravity. But what exactly are these natural laws which govern mankind? Richard Maybury put it best, (1) Do all that you have agreed to do (honor contracts) and (2) Do not encroach upon other persons or their property. And Jesus, the author of all truth, put it this way, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Mat. 7.12 paraphrase). These laws can also be learned by simply observing society. When I violate a person’s life, liberty, or property, the result is always violence, chaos and anger. But when I respect a person’s life, liberty, and property, the result is peace, order and happiness. From this simple example, we can see that a society which respects natural law would abound in peace, order and happiness, while a society which violates natural law will result in violence, chaos, and anger. This is readily observable in the world today. The countries which most respect these natural laws have the most peace, order, and happiness, while the countries which have least respect for the natural laws are the most violent, chaotic, and angry places on the planet.
But the unfortunate truth of today is that the last vestiges of natural law in our nation are being set aside. The rest of the world set them aside long ago with obvious consequences, but rather than learn from their mistakes, we are dashing headlong toward them. The United States was started by many men with a profound respect for the Creator and the laws which He built into the universe, and as result it quickly grew to prominence among the nations of the world and eventually surpassed them. Following the morality inherent in natural law, the government in this nation was designed to allow total economic and personal freedom to the individual. These are rights of individuals which do not have their origin in government, but in natural law. It is only a government which does not respect natural law, that would think they had a right to violate by force a person’s rights to life, liberty, or property. Only a government that supposes they have the right to violate an individual’s rights would take it upon themselves to regulate how a person can live their life and run their business. But this is contrary to natural law, and is therefore an immoral and illegal action. The book of Romans, chapter 13, tells us that God has given human government the authority to punish evildoers, which are those people who violate the rights of others. But the Bible stops there and gives human government no more power than that. We realize from this, that the governments of today which institutionalize the violation of their citizens’ rights, are acting on authority not granted by God, but granted by themselves. They have in fact become gods unto themselves, granting themselves authority which is reserved for God alone, and not human government. Then these men build great temples to themselves and lord over us. Have you ever been to Washington, DC? Can these great monuments and ivory temples speak of anything else? Behold the White Temple, the Capitol Temple, the Supreme Court’s Temple and the Federal Reserve’s Temple! If that is not proof enough, observe the famous “Apotheosis of Washington” which adorns the ceiling of the Capitol Rotunda dome! This mural is a depiction of Washington attaining godhood, the same godhood our supposed leaders of today feel they have right to. But George Washington was not a god, and neither are they. There is only one living God, and He is the Lord Jesus Christ. And even though our nation’s leaders print “in God we trust” on our coins and dollar bills, the only god they know is themselves.
The battle for liberty is deeper and darker than most are willing to admit. The same forces fighting against liberty both at home and abroad today are the spiritual descendents of the same tyrants seen through ages past. The only antidote to the problems of our nation today and the world as a whole is a renewed understanding of absolute truth, and a renewed faith in the one true God. The problems we face are not political problems, but heart problems. So while we continue the fight to restore natural law to its proper place in government, we must also acknowledge and live it in each of our everyday lives. We must respect each others rights to life, liberty, and property, and always treat others as we would have them treat us. This is the summation of the second greatest commandment, which is to “love your neighbor as yourself.” But as we strive to live out that commandment, let us never forget the first and greatest commandment, which is to “love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”
So now I find myself moving forward in life. In January I will begin the distance learning program with Calvary Chapel Bible College. There is no more concentrated a book of truth than the Bible itself and I am excited to devote myself into even deeper study of it. My life calling is to spread truth and my continuing studies will aid me in this endeavor. Between family, work, church, and now school responsibilities, I will no longer have the time and energy to devote to LBCCS, hence my reason for stepping down. I will dearly miss LBCCS and the friends I have made through it, but I am excited to see where God leads. My main goal through LBCCS was to spread truth, and that mission in my life has not changed. As I learn and grow, I am moving to new forums where I can fulfill my calling. In the meantime, my primary outlet is my new website, From there I will be writing articles and recording audio commentary on the greatest book ever written, the Bible, and I look forward to a day in the future when I can work full time in this great work of spreading truth.
Blessings in liberty,
Ryan Burgett
Monday, November 1, 2010
LBCCS Founder's Message
My Dear Ladies and Gentleman, True American Patriots All:
It has been decided by the Board to suspend the Study Group/Movie Night Meetings of L.B.C.C.S. until this upcoming, very important, Mid-Term Election Season is over. Not to begin until after the 1st of the New Year.
At that time a much improved format will be introduced, and many new attendees will be joining as we align ourselves with a new Veterans Assistance Program. This organization will be made up of three different disciplines educational/business coaching/Financial/ Lehigh Valley Institutions merging their efforts under one roof. This should be an exciting time for us, from 2011 forward.
Thank You All for your devoted commitment over the past year or so. Please pass this on to people whom I have missed on the above listing, and were regular members. As this new computer does not contain all the proper contact listings. Our best wishes to you all!! and we will see you again in 2011.
Paul J. Fiske, Founding Director, and
The Board of The Liberty Bell Center for Constitutional Studies
Allentown, Pa.
It has been decided by the Board to suspend the Study Group/Movie Night Meetings of L.B.C.C.S. until this upcoming, very important, Mid-Term Election Season is over. Not to begin until after the 1st of the New Year.
At that time a much improved format will be introduced, and many new attendees will be joining as we align ourselves with a new Veterans Assistance Program. This organization will be made up of three different disciplines educational/business coaching/Financial/ Lehigh Valley Institutions merging their efforts under one roof. This should be an exciting time for us, from 2011 forward.
Thank You All for your devoted commitment over the past year or so. Please pass this on to people whom I have missed on the above listing, and were regular members. As this new computer does not contain all the proper contact listings. Our best wishes to you all!! and we will see you again in 2011.
Paul J. Fiske, Founding Director, and
The Board of The Liberty Bell Center for Constitutional Studies
Allentown, Pa.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Bethlehem Declaration Seminar
I had a wonderful time today presenting our Declaration of Independence Seminar to our local Tea Party/9-12 Group. It was a refreshing time of looking at truth. I would like to thank everyone who came and I hope you all had as wonderful of a time as I did. Now, based on our discussions, I wanted to point you to the following topical posts:
The Roots of America's Political Parties - This article explains the reality behind our nation's political parties.
America's Heritage - Regarding the textbook controversy in Texas.
Foundational Truth: The Separation of Church and State - Regarding the importance of a proper separation of Church and State.
The Roots of America's Political Parties - This article explains the reality behind our nation's political parties.
America's Heritage - Regarding the textbook controversy in Texas.
Foundational Truth: The Separation of Church and State - Regarding the importance of a proper separation of Church and State.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Understanding the Declaration of Independence Seminar
We are very excited to announce that we are hosting a seminar in association with 9-12/Tea Party of the Lehigh Valley on "The History, Philosophy, and Lasting Significance of the Declaration of Independence." During this seminar, we will answer many questions including: What did Feudalism have to do with the founding of our country? How did the Declaration of Independence come about? What are the laws of nature and nature's God? What is the purpose of human government? How do the principles within this document apply to the world, our nation, and my life? Come and join us as we learn together!
$13/ticket (tickets must be purchased no later than July 20)
Click the "Buy Now" button below to purchase tickets online.
Saturday, July 24 from 9am to 12pm
Calvary Chapel Living Water
2224 Industrial Drive
Bethlehem, PA
Exiting PA-22 at Airport Road North (toward L.V.I. Airport), turn right at Ave A, then turn right at Ave B. Finally, turn right onto Industrial Drive and the church is .2 miles ahead on your right (immediately next to Unclaimed Freight).
If you have any questions, please contact:
Ryan Burgett - Chairman, L.B.C.C.S.
$13/ticket (tickets must be purchased no later than July 20)
Click the "Buy Now" button below to purchase tickets online.
Saturday, July 24 from 9am to 12pm
Calvary Chapel Living Water
2224 Industrial Drive
Bethlehem, PA
Exiting PA-22 at Airport Road North (toward L.V.I. Airport), turn right at Ave A, then turn right at Ave B. Finally, turn right onto Industrial Drive and the church is .2 miles ahead on your right (immediately next to Unclaimed Freight).
If you have any questions, please contact:
Ryan Burgett - Chairman, L.B.C.C.S.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Celebrate Truth Today
Let's talk about reason and truth. Some say that our nation is built off of pure reason, but I declare to you today that reason without truth is absolutely worthless, because where does reason lead?
Have you read the Greek philosophers? Plato, Socrates, Aristotle... They start reasoning and then keep reasoning upon reasoning. But as you read on more and more, you realize that they are actually going in circles! On and on the circular motion goes... and you know what? It never leads anywhere. Reason upon reason will lead you nowhere.
Over two-hundred and thirty years ago, our nation's founding fathers set forth the foundation for a new nation in the Declaration of Independence. This inspired document was built not off of pure reason, but on the truth found in God's Word. It is built off of the truth of an all-knowing and all-powerful Creator, who governs the actions of men. They understood that God's law is above all human law and that authority is not inherent to government, but is granted to human government by God. And this is not a blanket authority to be used by our public officials to satisfy their every whim. Instead, it is a limited authority according to Romans 13, to punish evildoers and otherwise leave people free to use their talents and abilities to their fullest extent.
This Declaration of Independence became the foundation for the greatest nation the world has ever seen, and has cause six subsequent revolutions following the original American revolution: (1) The Industrial Revolution, (2) the Machine Revolution, (3) the Transportation Revolution, (4) the Communications Revolution, (5) the Energy Resource Revolution, and (6) the Computer Revolution.
We owe all of our nation's freedom, peace, and prosperity, not to human intellect or reason, but to the Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, from whom all truth flows. So may we remember and celebrate that truth not just today, but every single day of the year.
Happy Independence Day!
Have you read the Greek philosophers? Plato, Socrates, Aristotle... They start reasoning and then keep reasoning upon reasoning. But as you read on more and more, you realize that they are actually going in circles! On and on the circular motion goes... and you know what? It never leads anywhere. Reason upon reason will lead you nowhere.
Over two-hundred and thirty years ago, our nation's founding fathers set forth the foundation for a new nation in the Declaration of Independence. This inspired document was built not off of pure reason, but on the truth found in God's Word. It is built off of the truth of an all-knowing and all-powerful Creator, who governs the actions of men. They understood that God's law is above all human law and that authority is not inherent to government, but is granted to human government by God. And this is not a blanket authority to be used by our public officials to satisfy their every whim. Instead, it is a limited authority according to Romans 13, to punish evildoers and otherwise leave people free to use their talents and abilities to their fullest extent.
This Declaration of Independence became the foundation for the greatest nation the world has ever seen, and has cause six subsequent revolutions following the original American revolution: (1) The Industrial Revolution, (2) the Machine Revolution, (3) the Transportation Revolution, (4) the Communications Revolution, (5) the Energy Resource Revolution, and (6) the Computer Revolution.
We owe all of our nation's freedom, peace, and prosperity, not to human intellect or reason, but to the Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, from whom all truth flows. So may we remember and celebrate that truth not just today, but every single day of the year.
Happy Independence Day!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
York Homeschool Seminar
This afternoon I had the pleasure of leading the York Homeschool Association in a study and discussion of The History, Philosophy, and Lasting Significance of the Declaration of Independence. It was a great time of presenting and discussing truth with knowledge-hungry students and parents. I thank you all who came. Now, based on our discussions, I want to point you to the following articles for further reading:
The Roots of America's Political Parties - This article explains the reality behind our nation's political parties.
America's Heritage - Regarding the textbook controversy in Texas.
Foundational Truth: The Separation of Church and State - Regarding the importance of a proper separation of Church and State.
The Founding Fathers On Education - Regarding the views of our founders on public education.
The Roots of America's Political Parties - This article explains the reality behind our nation's political parties.
America's Heritage - Regarding the textbook controversy in Texas.
Foundational Truth: The Separation of Church and State - Regarding the importance of a proper separation of Church and State.
The Founding Fathers On Education - Regarding the views of our founders on public education.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Declaration of Independence - A Miraculous Human Rights Document
Just prior to July 4 th , 1981, Parade Magazine asked President Ronald Reagan to write an article which he entitled, “What July 4th Means to Me.” In his own words, he penned the message which included the following account:
“There is a legend about the day of our nation's birth in the little hall in Philadelphia , a day on which debate had raged for hours. The men gathered there were honorable men hard-pressed by a king who had flouted the very laws they were willing to obey. Even so, to sign the Declaration of Independence was such an irretrievable act that the walls resounded with the words "treason, the gallows, the headsman's axe," and the issue remained in doubt. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
Just prior to July 4 th , 1981, Parade Magazine asked President Ronald Reagan to write an article which he entitled, “What July 4th Means to Me.” In his own words, he penned the message which included the following account:
“There is a legend about the day of our nation's birth in the little hall in Philadelphia , a day on which debate had raged for hours. The men gathered there were honorable men hard-pressed by a king who had flouted the very laws they were willing to obey. Even so, to sign the Declaration of Independence was such an irretrievable act that the walls resounded with the words "treason, the gallows, the headsman's axe," and the issue remained in doubt. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
"Fear the Boom and Bust"
This incredibly entertaining music video explains in brief the Hayek Vs. Keynes debate which more-or-less framed economic discussion in the twentieth century. Keeping with the historic marginalization of F.A. Hayek (one of the most brilliant minds the world has ever seen), this video presents the truth of the debate.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Movie Night at the Biery House
Friday, June 11, 2010
7:00 to 9:00 pm
The Historic Biery House
8 Race St.
Catasauqua, PA 18032
We plan to show Part TWO of the documentary "Founding Brothers" followed by group discussion as time allows:
Based on Joseph Ellis's Pulitzer Prize winning book, "Founding Brothers" examines six moments when the collision and collusions of these towering figures left an indelible imprint on the nation: the secret dinner that determined the site of the capital and America's financial future; Benjamin Franklin's call for an end to slavery; George Washington's farewell address to the nation; John Adams's term as president; Hamilton and Burr's famous and fatal duel; and the final reconciliation between Adams and Jefferson.
There will be no charge for entrance, but we will accept donations for use of the Biery House. We hope to see you there!
Finding the Biery House:
The house is on the left almost immediately after crossing the Race Street Bridge (heading East) in Catasauqua.
Parking Information:
Follow the driveway beside the house all the way to a gravel parking lot at the back of the house (please do not park next to the house).
For questions please contact Eric at or 610-317-2651.
Friday, June 11, 2010
7:00 to 9:00 pm
The Historic Biery House
8 Race St.
Catasauqua, PA 18032
We plan to show Part TWO of the documentary "Founding Brothers" followed by group discussion as time allows:
Based on Joseph Ellis's Pulitzer Prize winning book, "Founding Brothers" examines six moments when the collision and collusions of these towering figures left an indelible imprint on the nation: the secret dinner that determined the site of the capital and America's financial future; Benjamin Franklin's call for an end to slavery; George Washington's farewell address to the nation; John Adams's term as president; Hamilton and Burr's famous and fatal duel; and the final reconciliation between Adams and Jefferson.
There will be no charge for entrance, but we will accept donations for use of the Biery House. We hope to see you there!
Finding the Biery House:
The house is on the left almost immediately after crossing the Race Street Bridge (heading East) in Catasauqua.
Parking Information:
Follow the driveway beside the house all the way to a gravel parking lot at the back of the house (please do not park next to the house).
For questions please contact Eric at or 610-317-2651.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Excerpt from "The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved."
by James Otis, 1764
But let the origin of government be placed where it may, the end of it is manifestly the good of the whole. Salus populi supreme lex esto, is of the law of nature, and part of that grand charter given the human race, (tho’ too many of them are afraid to assert it,) by the only monarch in the universe, who has a clear and indisputable right to absolute power; because he is the only One who is omniscient as well as omnipotent...
The end of government being the good of mankind, points out its great duties: It is above all things to provide for the security, the quiet, and happy enjoyment of life, liberty, and property. There is no one act which a government can have a right to make, that does not tend to the advancement of the security, tranquility and prosperity of the people. If life, liberty and property could be enjoyed in as great perfection in solitude, as in society, there would be no need of government. But the experience of ages has proved that such is the nature of man, a weak, imperfect being; that the valuable ends of live cannot be obtained without the union and assistance of many. Hence ’tis clear that men cannot live apart or independent of each other: In solitude men would perish; and yet they cannot live together without contests. These contests require some arbitrator to determine them. The necessity of a common, indifferent and impartial judge, makes all men seek one; tho’ few find him in the sovereign power, of their respective states or any where else in subordination to it...
The form of government is by nature and by right so far left to the individuals of each society, that they may alter it from a simple democracy or government of all over all, to any other form they please. Such alteration may and ought to be made by express compact: But how seldom this right has been asserted, history will abundantly show. For once that it has been fairly settled by compact; fraud force or accident have determined it an hundred times. As the people have gained upon tyrants, these have been obliged to relax, only till a fairer opportunity has put it in their power to encroach again.
But if every prince since Nimrod had been a tyrant, it would not prove a right to tyranize. There can be no prescription old enough to supersede the law of nature, and the grant of God almighty; who has given to all men a natural right to be free, and they have it ordinarily in their power to make themselves so, if they please.
But let the origin of government be placed where it may, the end of it is manifestly the good of the whole. Salus populi supreme lex esto, is of the law of nature, and part of that grand charter given the human race, (tho’ too many of them are afraid to assert it,) by the only monarch in the universe, who has a clear and indisputable right to absolute power; because he is the only One who is omniscient as well as omnipotent...
The end of government being the good of mankind, points out its great duties: It is above all things to provide for the security, the quiet, and happy enjoyment of life, liberty, and property. There is no one act which a government can have a right to make, that does not tend to the advancement of the security, tranquility and prosperity of the people. If life, liberty and property could be enjoyed in as great perfection in solitude, as in society, there would be no need of government. But the experience of ages has proved that such is the nature of man, a weak, imperfect being; that the valuable ends of live cannot be obtained without the union and assistance of many. Hence ’tis clear that men cannot live apart or independent of each other: In solitude men would perish; and yet they cannot live together without contests. These contests require some arbitrator to determine them. The necessity of a common, indifferent and impartial judge, makes all men seek one; tho’ few find him in the sovereign power, of their respective states or any where else in subordination to it...
The form of government is by nature and by right so far left to the individuals of each society, that they may alter it from a simple democracy or government of all over all, to any other form they please. Such alteration may and ought to be made by express compact: But how seldom this right has been asserted, history will abundantly show. For once that it has been fairly settled by compact; fraud force or accident have determined it an hundred times. As the people have gained upon tyrants, these have been obliged to relax, only till a fairer opportunity has put it in their power to encroach again.
But if every prince since Nimrod had been a tyrant, it would not prove a right to tyranize. There can be no prescription old enough to supersede the law of nature, and the grant of God almighty; who has given to all men a natural right to be free, and they have it ordinarily in their power to make themselves so, if they please.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
York Declaration Seminar
This morning I had the pleasure of leading the York 9/12 Patriots in a study and discussion of The History, Philosophy, and Lasting Significance of the Declaration of Independence. To all of you in the group, I would like to say thanks for a wonderful time! They were a particularly enthusiastic and talkative group. It was a very refreshing time of looking at and discussing truth. Now, for those interested in further reading based on our multiple discussions, I would suggest the following articles:
The Roots of America's Political Parties - This article explains the reality behind our nation's political parties.
America's Heritage - Regarding the textbook controversy in Texas.
Foundational Truth: The Separation of Church and State - Regarding the importance of a proper separation of Church and State.
The Founding Fathers On Education - Regarding the views of our founders on public education.
The Roots of America's Political Parties - This article explains the reality behind our nation's political parties.
America's Heritage - Regarding the textbook controversy in Texas.
Foundational Truth: The Separation of Church and State - Regarding the importance of a proper separation of Church and State.
The Founding Fathers On Education - Regarding the views of our founders on public education.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
"Nullification - The Forgotten Check on the Federal Government"
By Jake Towne,
Yesterday, May 20th, I gave a short talk to the Concerned Citizens of Upper Perkiomen Valley for Smaller Government on the concept of nullification. Nullification is one of the checks the states have on the federal government where the state refuses to comply with federal law -- which are deemed harmful to the state and usually assume powers not delegated by the state to the federal government. Nullified federal laws are deemed null and void in the state(s) where passed and have no force. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
Yesterday, May 20th, I gave a short talk to the Concerned Citizens of Upper Perkiomen Valley for Smaller Government on the concept of nullification. Nullification is one of the checks the states have on the federal government where the state refuses to comply with federal law -- which are deemed harmful to the state and usually assume powers not delegated by the state to the federal government. Nullified federal laws are deemed null and void in the state(s) where passed and have no force. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Movie Night at the Biery House
Friday, May 28, 2010
7:00 to 9:00 pm
The Historic Biery House
8 Race St.
Catasauqua, PA 18032
We plan to show Part One of the documentary "Founding Brothers" followed by group discussion as time allows. Part Two will be shown on June 11 at the same time and place:
Based on Joseph Ellis's Pulitzer Prize winning book, "Founding Brothers" examines six moments when the collision and collusions of these towering figures left an indelible imprint on the nation: the secret dinner that determined the site of the capital and America's financial future; Benjamin Franklin's call for an end to slavery; George Washington's farewell address to the nation; John Adams's term as president; Hamilton and Burr's famous and fatal duel; and the final reconciliation between Adams and Jefferson.
There will be no charge for entrance, but we will accept donations for use of the Biery House. Please RSVP by e-mail ( by May 24 so we can properly prepare for the group. We hope to see you there!
Finding the Biery House:
The house is on the left almost immediately after crossing the Race Street Bridge (heading East) in Catasauqua. Click here for a map.
Parking Information:
Follow the driveway beside the house all the way to a gravel parking lot at the back of the house (please do not park next to the house).
For questions please contact Eric at or 610-317-2651.
Friday, May 28, 2010
7:00 to 9:00 pm
The Historic Biery House
8 Race St.
Catasauqua, PA 18032
We plan to show Part One of the documentary "Founding Brothers" followed by group discussion as time allows. Part Two will be shown on June 11 at the same time and place:
Based on Joseph Ellis's Pulitzer Prize winning book, "Founding Brothers" examines six moments when the collision and collusions of these towering figures left an indelible imprint on the nation: the secret dinner that determined the site of the capital and America's financial future; Benjamin Franklin's call for an end to slavery; George Washington's farewell address to the nation; John Adams's term as president; Hamilton and Burr's famous and fatal duel; and the final reconciliation between Adams and Jefferson.
There will be no charge for entrance, but we will accept donations for use of the Biery House. Please RSVP by e-mail ( by May 24 so we can properly prepare for the group. We hope to see you there!
Finding the Biery House:
The house is on the left almost immediately after crossing the Race Street Bridge (heading East) in Catasauqua. Click here for a map.
Parking Information:
Follow the driveway beside the house all the way to a gravel parking lot at the back of the house (please do not park next to the house).
For questions please contact Eric at or 610-317-2651.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
"Were American Indians Really Environmentalists?"
by Tom Woods,
The traditional story is familiar to American schoolchildren: the American Indians possessed a profound spiritual kinship with nature, and were unusually solicitous of environmental welfare.
...Although we often hear that the Indians knew nothing of private property, their actual views of property varied across time, place, and tribe. When land and game were plentiful, it is not surprising that people exerted little effort in defining and enforcing property rights. But as those things became more scarce, Indians appreciated the value of assigning property rights in (for example) hunting and fishing....
To read the entire article, click here.
The traditional story is familiar to American schoolchildren: the American Indians possessed a profound spiritual kinship with nature, and were unusually solicitous of environmental welfare.
...Although we often hear that the Indians knew nothing of private property, their actual views of property varied across time, place, and tribe. When land and game were plentiful, it is not surprising that people exerted little effort in defining and enforcing property rights. But as those things became more scarce, Indians appreciated the value of assigning property rights in (for example) hunting and fishing....
To read the entire article, click here.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
What is the job of a U.S. Congressman?
The following is the video from our March 26 discussion group meeting. Jake Towne took the helm for an excellent discussion on the powers of Congress from Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. You can read the outline of the talk here.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
"Mandatory Health Care and Interstate Commerce"
During the recent discussions on Health Care, one former Congressman held up a copy of the Constitution and asked the TV host, “Tell me any place in the Constitution where the federal government has the power to pass this health care bill.” The host replied that it is the Interstate Commerce clause of the Constitution that contains that power. The argument then ensued, which like most arguments on current topics, never come to a proper conclusion because most people have no idea of the origin of Constitutional principles. . .
To read the entire newsletter, click here.
During the recent discussions on Health Care, one former Congressman held up a copy of the Constitution and asked the TV host, “Tell me any place in the Constitution where the federal government has the power to pass this health care bill.” The host replied that it is the Interstate Commerce clause of the Constitution that contains that power. The argument then ensued, which like most arguments on current topics, never come to a proper conclusion because most people have no idea of the origin of Constitutional principles. . .
To read the entire newsletter, click here.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
"Are We Seeing a Constitutional Awakening?"
by Walter Williams,
If there is anything good to say about Democrat control of the White House, Senate and House of Representatives, it’s that their extraordinarily brazen, heavy-handed acts have aroused a level of constitutional interest among the American people that has been dormant for far too long. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
If there is anything good to say about Democrat control of the White House, Senate and House of Representatives, it’s that their extraordinarily brazen, heavy-handed acts have aroused a level of constitutional interest among the American people that has been dormant for far too long. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
America's Heritage
by Ryan Burgett.
While LBCCS strives to stay clear of modern politics, sometimes modern politics move into our domain of history and truth. In this case we are seeing the controversy in Texas surrounding changes to their public school education curriculum. The majority of the board supports language that presents American history more appropriately in the context of its religious heritage, while the opponents claim that it is all revisionist history. In the articles that have been published relating to this controversy, one name keeps coming up, David Barton. While his credentials are lacking by most modern standards, it must be admitted that he has put in lots of personal study and is well stocked with quotes and excerpts from historical documents to back up his claims. In this particular case, I would consider him right on. In his recommendation to the Texas School Board, he listed five principles that can be found in the Declaration of Independence and are essential to understanding the true history of our nation's founding. The five he listed are:
1. There is a fixed moral law derived from God and nature.
2. There is a Creator.
3. The Creator gives to man certain unalienable rights.
4. Government exists primarily to protect God-given rights to every individual.
5. Below God-given rights and moral laws, government is directed by the consent of the governed.
I agree that those principles are both the foundation of our nation and also the reason our nation has become the greatest nation the world has ever seen. These principles have nothing to do with sexual orientation or abortion or any other modern political hot topics. This is not a political issue, and anyone that is trying to make it such (and these people can be found on both sides of the controversy) are wrong for doing so. This is a historical issue. If you read the history of the Enlightenment, the history of our nation's founding, and the words of our founding fathers, you can see that these principles were not the crazy ideas of religious radicals, but mainstream ideas that were accepted by the majority of Americans.
So let us never take it upon ourselves to revise true history, but let us also not be afraid to present the truth regardless of how controversial it might be.
While LBCCS strives to stay clear of modern politics, sometimes modern politics move into our domain of history and truth. In this case we are seeing the controversy in Texas surrounding changes to their public school education curriculum. The majority of the board supports language that presents American history more appropriately in the context of its religious heritage, while the opponents claim that it is all revisionist history. In the articles that have been published relating to this controversy, one name keeps coming up, David Barton. While his credentials are lacking by most modern standards, it must be admitted that he has put in lots of personal study and is well stocked with quotes and excerpts from historical documents to back up his claims. In this particular case, I would consider him right on. In his recommendation to the Texas School Board, he listed five principles that can be found in the Declaration of Independence and are essential to understanding the true history of our nation's founding. The five he listed are:
1. There is a fixed moral law derived from God and nature.
2. There is a Creator.
3. The Creator gives to man certain unalienable rights.
4. Government exists primarily to protect God-given rights to every individual.
5. Below God-given rights and moral laws, government is directed by the consent of the governed.
I agree that those principles are both the foundation of our nation and also the reason our nation has become the greatest nation the world has ever seen. These principles have nothing to do with sexual orientation or abortion or any other modern political hot topics. This is not a political issue, and anyone that is trying to make it such (and these people can be found on both sides of the controversy) are wrong for doing so. This is a historical issue. If you read the history of the Enlightenment, the history of our nation's founding, and the words of our founding fathers, you can see that these principles were not the crazy ideas of religious radicals, but mainstream ideas that were accepted by the majority of Americans.
So let us never take it upon ourselves to revise true history, but let us also not be afraid to present the truth regardless of how controversial it might be.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
LBCCS Meeting Agenda
Here is the agenda for our meeting on Friday, the 26th. For all the information about the meeting, click here.
7:00 Opening Remarks - Paul Fiske
7:10 Invocation
7:15 Pledge of Allegiance
7:17 Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution - Jake Towne
8:50 Closing Remarks - Ryan Burgett
Please RSVP by email if you plan on attending. We hope to see you there!
Ryan Burgett
Chairman - L.B.C.C.S.
7:00 Opening Remarks - Paul Fiske
7:10 Invocation
7:15 Pledge of Allegiance
7:17 Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution - Jake Towne
8:50 Closing Remarks - Ryan Burgett
Please RSVP by email if you plan on attending. We hope to see you there!
Ryan Burgett
Chairman - L.B.C.C.S.
Monday, March 22, 2010
"Freedom From Fascism"
By Jake Towne
Recent events not only with the current healthcare bill, but also on the economic front are waking up more and more Americans to the sad truth that the federal government is out of control. A fascist state is quickly developing in America, one of the few rare places in the history of the planet where “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” was not an unattainable dream but instead a mission statement. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
Recent events not only with the current healthcare bill, but also on the economic front are waking up more and more Americans to the sad truth that the federal government is out of control. A fascist state is quickly developing in America, one of the few rare places in the history of the planet where “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” was not an unattainable dream but instead a mission statement. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Announcing Our Next Meeting!
Friday, March 26 at 7pm
The Historic Biery House
8 Race St
Catasauqua, PA 18032
Because of scheduling conflicts caused by the recent snow, the meeting initially planned for February has been re-scheduled for this month. As originally planned, Jake Towne will be leading us in a discussion on the 17 specific powers and responsibilities given to the federal Legislature in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. The 10th Amendment says that any responsibility not expressly given to the federal government in the Constitution is left to the states and the people, so it is very important that we understand what the specific responsibilities of our federal government are.
Come and join us as we learn and discuss together! We will be meeting at the Biery House in Catasauqua and there will be no charge for entrance. Please RSVP by Facebook or email ( by March 23 so we can properly prepare for the group. We hope to see you there!
Finding the Biery House:
The house is on the left almost immediately after crossing the Race St bridge (heading East) in Catasauqua. Click here for a map.
Parking Information:
Follow the driveway beside the house all the way back to the parking lot.
Questions? Contact Ryan at 484-553-0956.
Friday, March 26 at 7pm
The Historic Biery House
8 Race St
Catasauqua, PA 18032
Because of scheduling conflicts caused by the recent snow, the meeting initially planned for February has been re-scheduled for this month. As originally planned, Jake Towne will be leading us in a discussion on the 17 specific powers and responsibilities given to the federal Legislature in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. The 10th Amendment says that any responsibility not expressly given to the federal government in the Constitution is left to the states and the people, so it is very important that we understand what the specific responsibilities of our federal government are.
Come and join us as we learn and discuss together! We will be meeting at the Biery House in Catasauqua and there will be no charge for entrance. Please RSVP by Facebook or email ( by March 23 so we can properly prepare for the group. We hope to see you there!
Finding the Biery House:
The house is on the left almost immediately after crossing the Race St bridge (heading East) in Catasauqua. Click here for a map.
Parking Information:
Follow the driveway beside the house all the way back to the parking lot.
Questions? Contact Ryan at 484-553-0956.
Foundational Truth: The Separation of Church and State
"Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's,
and to God the things that are God's."
Luke 20.25
and to God the things that are God's."
Luke 20.25
These are the immortal words of Jesus Christ given in the Gospel of Luke. In this simple verse, Jesus makes a clear distinction between God and Caesar, or what we would consider Church and State. Each has distinct responsibilities from God and have been given authority to fulfill those responsibilities.
Throughout history, we have seen this distinction blurred and the results were always disastrous. In the Middle Ages, we saw the Catholic church take on the responsibilities of civil government (the state) and the world saw bloody crusades, oppression, widespread poverty, and total abandonment of the proper functions of the Church. On the other hand, we have seen governments attempt to control the church for political means and especially in recent history have seen government claim responsibilities that are rightfully left to the church. These have caused corruption, poverty, persecution and pointless bloodshed. If each party had respected the other and each fulfilled its proper functions, many of history's greatest disasters could have been avoided. So what are their respective responsibilities?
Let us start with the church, or the Christian religion in general. In Matthew 28.19-20, Jesus lays out three responsibilities: (1) Discipleship (2) Baptism (3) Teaching. Also, James 1.27 says, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." So those are some basic, biblical responsibilities of the Church. Now what are the responsibilities of civil government? Romans 13.4 tells us that God has given civil government authority to be "an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer." So, to put it in a nutshell, civil government has been given the responsibility of protecting good people by punishing evildoers.
We must always make a proper distinction between the Church and the State. They each have been given authority to fulfill certain responsibilities, and in any case where one attempts to usurp the authority of the other there is nothing but trouble and pain. We must hold fast to the wisdom of Jesus and render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. That is truth.
Letter From Our Founding Director
To All Fellow and Sister Patriots, who believe that we are a Nation of Laws and not the Vagaries of Human Caprice. We have grown together over the past two years as a very valuable source of Constitutional education, thanks to all of you dedicated followers of truth and freedom.
But life moves on, and changes occur in growth and direction. Ryan is focusing on a large educational program for our Youth (the life's blood of America). Targeting the Home Schooled, Faith based Schools, and Private Charter Institutions.
He and Eric Adams will be guiding the future Study Group Sessions for L.B.C.C.S for the near future. As I am involved in helping open a full service Bakery/Cafe/Coffee House, which will be the permanent home for for our Sessions. Joining along with other Community/ Neighborhood Groups, sprinkled with several Business Educational Networking Organizations (all scheduled a different times throughout the months ahead). It is called Delicious Morsels and will be located at 1305 S. Roth Ave (north west Allentown) easy access to all major regional roadways. There are numerous available buildings nearby to host larger events if needed. Scheduled opening to take place in late April if all goes well.
Please continue your viewing of this Web Blog for further timely educational pieces, plus meeting schedules for the next several months. Location (s) to be announced by our Chairman Ryan Burgett. Hope to see you all soon in the very near and bright future.
Sincerely, Yours in Liberty,
Paul J. Fiske
Founding Director
The Liberty Bell Center for Constitutional Studies
Lehigh Valley, Pa.
But life moves on, and changes occur in growth and direction. Ryan is focusing on a large educational program for our Youth (the life's blood of America). Targeting the Home Schooled, Faith based Schools, and Private Charter Institutions.
He and Eric Adams will be guiding the future Study Group Sessions for L.B.C.C.S for the near future. As I am involved in helping open a full service Bakery/Cafe/Coffee House, which will be the permanent home for for our Sessions. Joining along with other Community/ Neighborhood Groups, sprinkled with several Business Educational Networking Organizations (all scheduled a different times throughout the months ahead). It is called Delicious Morsels and will be located at 1305 S. Roth Ave (north west Allentown) easy access to all major regional roadways. There are numerous available buildings nearby to host larger events if needed. Scheduled opening to take place in late April if all goes well.
Please continue your viewing of this Web Blog for further timely educational pieces, plus meeting schedules for the next several months. Location (s) to be announced by our Chairman Ryan Burgett. Hope to see you all soon in the very near and bright future.
Sincerely, Yours in Liberty,
Paul J. Fiske
Founding Director
The Liberty Bell Center for Constitutional Studies
Lehigh Valley, Pa.
Thomas Jefferson’s Other Declaration
By Derek Sheriff,
Most Americans know that Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of “The Declaration of Independence”, the most important of all our founding documents.
Yet few of them have even heard of another document that I would say might be the second most important declaration he ever wrote: The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798. He drafted them secretly while he was serving as vice president. It was written in response to the hated Alien and Sedition Acts which were passed under the Adams administration during an undeclared war with France. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
Most Americans know that Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of “The Declaration of Independence”, the most important of all our founding documents.
Yet few of them have even heard of another document that I would say might be the second most important declaration he ever wrote: The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798. He drafted them secretly while he was serving as vice president. It was written in response to the hated Alien and Sedition Acts which were passed under the Adams administration during an undeclared war with France. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
"Americans are Awakening to Our Awful Situation"
By Earl Taylor, Jr.
"America's Founding Fathers were students of human nature and how influential people and governments have dealt with human nature throughout the history of this world. In nearly every case, the Founders discovered that powerful people have nearly always sought to gain mastery over others. Whether by force or by slow deceptive means, power-hungry individuals have sought to thrust themselves into positions where they can control the lives, liberty, and property of others. The distaste for this kind of control is what led Thomas Jefferson to proclaim, “I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal vigilance against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” Generally, this kind of power, which tends to pander to the pretended needs of the masses and thereby invades the unalienable rights of individuals, is known as socialism. . ."
To read the entire newsletter, click here.
"America's Founding Fathers were students of human nature and how influential people and governments have dealt with human nature throughout the history of this world. In nearly every case, the Founders discovered that powerful people have nearly always sought to gain mastery over others. Whether by force or by slow deceptive means, power-hungry individuals have sought to thrust themselves into positions where they can control the lives, liberty, and property of others. The distaste for this kind of control is what led Thomas Jefferson to proclaim, “I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal vigilance against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” Generally, this kind of power, which tends to pander to the pretended needs of the masses and thereby invades the unalienable rights of individuals, is known as socialism. . ."
To read the entire newsletter, click here.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
LBCCS Meeting Postponed
Students of liberty,
I am sorry to inform you that we will be rescheduling our meeting currently scheduled for this Friday. This is the result of scheduling conflicts related to the recent snow we have received. The meeting will be moved to March and we will get you the date as soon as we have it nailed down. We are very sorry for this last minute change of plans and any inconvenience it may cause.
Ryan Burgett
Chairman - L.B.C.C.S.
I am sorry to inform you that we will be rescheduling our meeting currently scheduled for this Friday. This is the result of scheduling conflicts related to the recent snow we have received. The meeting will be moved to March and we will get you the date as soon as we have it nailed down. We are very sorry for this last minute change of plans and any inconvenience it may cause.
Ryan Burgett
Chairman - L.B.C.C.S.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Announcing the February LBCCS Meeting!
At this month's meeting, Jake Towne will be leading us in a discussion on the 17 specific powers and responsibilities given to the federal Legislature in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. The 10th Amendment says that any responsibility not expressly given to the federal government in the Constitution is left to the states and the people, so it is very important that we understand what the specific responsibilities of our federal government are.
Come and join us as we learn and discuss together! We will be meeting again at the historic Belmont Inne in Bethlehem and will be charging for entrance. A snack buffet will be provided by the inn. Please RSVP by Facebook or email ( by February 16 so we can properly prepare for the group. We hope to see you there!
Friday, February 19 @ 7:00pm
$8 / person if RSVP'd by the 16th
$11 at the door.
The Belmont Inne
3750 Old Philadelphia Pike
Bethlehem, PA 18015
For a map and to get directions, click here.
Come and join us as we learn and discuss together! We will be meeting again at the historic Belmont Inne in Bethlehem and will be charging for entrance. A snack buffet will be provided by the inn. Please RSVP by Facebook or email ( by February 16 so we can properly prepare for the group. We hope to see you there!
Friday, February 19 @ 7:00pm
$8 / person if RSVP'd by the 16th
$11 at the door.
The Belmont Inne
3750 Old Philadelphia Pike
Bethlehem, PA 18015
For a map and to get directions, click here.
Monday, February 1, 2010
"Herber Hoover and the Great Depression"
There is a great lecture series at titled "The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History." This series is led by Thomas E. Woods Jr. and is based off his book of the same title. His lecture on Herbert Hoover provides an excellent, brief explanation of the effects of arbitrary government-controlled interest rates and their contribution to the hated business cycle. To listen to this wonderful lecture, visit:
Sunday, January 31, 2010
"Campaign for Liberty: The School of REAL Politics"
by Russell D. Longcore.
Politics is a no-holds-barred, take-no-prisoners, winner-take-all, long-term war over the adjudication of power.
Campaign for Liberty sponsored a Regional Convention in Atlanta on January 15-17. The convention was the most eye-opening political event I have attended in recent years.
Over 400 political junkies were in attendance and got far in excess of their money's worth in political training. C4L Director of Development Steve Bierfeldt made arrangements for me to have a pass to the event. Being only recently made familiar with C4L, I had little idea what lessons were in store in this weekend event.
Campaign for Liberty (C4L) is a political organization founded in June 2008. Respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, individual liberty, sound money, non-interventionist foreign policy and stellar grassroots training in political activity constitute the foundation of Campaign for Liberty. C4L is experiencing exponential growth, with over 5,000 new members joining weekly. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
Politics is a no-holds-barred, take-no-prisoners, winner-take-all, long-term war over the adjudication of power.
Campaign for Liberty sponsored a Regional Convention in Atlanta on January 15-17. The convention was the most eye-opening political event I have attended in recent years.
Over 400 political junkies were in attendance and got far in excess of their money's worth in political training. C4L Director of Development Steve Bierfeldt made arrangements for me to have a pass to the event. Being only recently made familiar with C4L, I had little idea what lessons were in store in this weekend event.
Campaign for Liberty (C4L) is a political organization founded in June 2008. Respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, individual liberty, sound money, non-interventionist foreign policy and stellar grassroots training in political activity constitute the foundation of Campaign for Liberty. C4L is experiencing exponential growth, with over 5,000 new members joining weekly. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
NCCS January Newsletter
"Eighteen Constitutional Questions to ask Candidates in 2010"
With the events of 2009 now a matter of history, it is clear to see that the election year of 2010 will be like no other we have seen. On the one hand we have those running the country who are openly opposed to any form of the Founders' government based on limited, balanced, and carefully delegated powers. On the other hand are those who are awakening to a sense of our awful situation—one that if not immediately and powerfully checked—will no doubt lead to a loss of the very liberty and freedom for which our Founders fought and died. The months leading up to the November 2010 election, with all the petitions, campaigns, promises, and media hype, will be intense, perhaps even brutal, as the two forces battle for control of Congress for the following term.
Once in a while a question will be posed such as this: What can we do when there really is no one on the ballot we feel like we can support? My answer is usually: Then you have learned not to wait until the election to start thinking of good candidates! The process must begin very early. For 2010, it must begin now. . .
To read the entire newsletter, click here.
With the events of 2009 now a matter of history, it is clear to see that the election year of 2010 will be like no other we have seen. On the one hand we have those running the country who are openly opposed to any form of the Founders' government based on limited, balanced, and carefully delegated powers. On the other hand are those who are awakening to a sense of our awful situation—one that if not immediately and powerfully checked—will no doubt lead to a loss of the very liberty and freedom for which our Founders fought and died. The months leading up to the November 2010 election, with all the petitions, campaigns, promises, and media hype, will be intense, perhaps even brutal, as the two forces battle for control of Congress for the following term.
Once in a while a question will be posed such as this: What can we do when there really is no one on the ballot we feel like we can support? My answer is usually: Then you have learned not to wait until the election to start thinking of good candidates! The process must begin very early. For 2010, it must begin now. . .
To read the entire newsletter, click here.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
"The Roots of America's Political Parties"
by Ryan Burgett.
I rarely turn on the radio nowadays, but when I do I am almost always disappointed in what I hear. The top political commentators often have a good grasp on current politics, but when it comes to history, they can not see back beyond their own birth date. I have heard time and time again, "We must bring the party back to its roots!" But do they realize what those roots are? Do they realize where the parties came from? If they learned the truth, they would realize the ignorance of what they have been saying. So where do our modern political parties come from?
While the ideologies of each party can be traced back further, I am going to begin at the founding of the United States. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
I rarely turn on the radio nowadays, but when I do I am almost always disappointed in what I hear. The top political commentators often have a good grasp on current politics, but when it comes to history, they can not see back beyond their own birth date. I have heard time and time again, "We must bring the party back to its roots!" But do they realize what those roots are? Do they realize where the parties came from? If they learned the truth, they would realize the ignorance of what they have been saying. So where do our modern political parties come from?
While the ideologies of each party can be traced back further, I am going to begin at the founding of the United States. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
LBCCS Meeting Review and Resources
Meeting Date: January 15, 2010
Friends of LBCCS,
Thanks to all who came out to our meeting on Friday! We had an excellent gathering at our new location, the Belmont Inne in Bethlehem. Our topic for the night was "Classical Liberalism and the Radical Roots of the American Revolution." We presented the LBCCS definition of a classical liberal (click here to read that), then we loooked at excerpts from the following works which clearly present the ideology of classical liberalism:
John Locke - Second Treatise of Civil Government (Text, Audio)
Thomas Paine - Common Sense (Text, Audio)
Samuel Adams - The Rights of the Colonists (Text)
Thomas Jefferson - The Declaration of Independence (Text, Audio)
We finished by looking at a few basic points clarifying the classical liberal's worldview. (To read these, click here)
In the second part of the meeting, we watched "The Incredible Bread Machine", which is a short film about individual liberty and the menace of government intervention in the economy and our lives.
To watch the video online or download it, click here.
So thanks again to all who attended. We hope to see you next time along with your friends!
Our next meeting will be on February 19 at 7pm, also at the Belmont Inne . Jake Towne will be leading a discussion on Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States which defines the specific powers and responsibilities given to our federal legislature. More information on that meeting will be coming.
In Liberty,
Ryan Burgett
Chairman - L.B.C.C.S.
Friends of LBCCS,
Thanks to all who came out to our meeting on Friday! We had an excellent gathering at our new location, the Belmont Inne in Bethlehem. Our topic for the night was "Classical Liberalism and the Radical Roots of the American Revolution." We presented the LBCCS definition of a classical liberal (click here to read that), then we loooked at excerpts from the following works which clearly present the ideology of classical liberalism:
John Locke - Second Treatise of Civil Government (Text, Audio)
Thomas Paine - Common Sense (Text, Audio)
Samuel Adams - The Rights of the Colonists (Text)
Thomas Jefferson - The Declaration of Independence (Text, Audio)
We finished by looking at a few basic points clarifying the classical liberal's worldview. (To read these, click here)
In the second part of the meeting, we watched "The Incredible Bread Machine", which is a short film about individual liberty and the menace of government intervention in the economy and our lives.
To watch the video online or download it, click here.
So thanks again to all who attended. We hope to see you next time along with your friends!
Our next meeting will be on February 19 at 7pm, also at the Belmont Inne . Jake Towne will be leading a discussion on Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States which defines the specific powers and responsibilities given to our federal legislature. More information on that meeting will be coming.
In Liberty,
Ryan Burgett
Chairman - L.B.C.C.S.
"The Powers Delegated to the Federal Government are Few and Defined"
By Michael Boldin,
In New Hampshire, State Representative Dan Itse has introduced House Bill 1343 (HB1343), which, if passed, would create "a joint committee of the legislature to consider the constitutionality of acts, orders, laws, statutes, regulations, and rules by the government of the United States including the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, and to consider the actions necessary to protect the sovereignty of the state of New Hampshire."
Unlike the many 10th Amendment Resolutions that have been introduced around the country since 2008, HB1343 is legally-binding legislation.
Calling on Thomas Jefferson and the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, the bill reaffirms the principle that it was "We the People" of the several states that created the federal government, and not the other way around. Thus, it’s the people of each state, and not the federal government, that retains sovereignty, which is defined as "final authority" in the American System. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
In New Hampshire, State Representative Dan Itse has introduced House Bill 1343 (HB1343), which, if passed, would create "a joint committee of the legislature to consider the constitutionality of acts, orders, laws, statutes, regulations, and rules by the government of the United States including the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, and to consider the actions necessary to protect the sovereignty of the state of New Hampshire."
Unlike the many 10th Amendment Resolutions that have been introduced around the country since 2008, HB1343 is legally-binding legislation.
Calling on Thomas Jefferson and the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, the bill reaffirms the principle that it was "We the People" of the several states that created the federal government, and not the other way around. Thus, it’s the people of each state, and not the federal government, that retains sovereignty, which is defined as "final authority" in the American System. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
What Is A Classical Liberal?
A classical liberal believes in the God-given natural rights of human beings to life, liberty and property; and understands that the purpose of government is to protect those rights to the extent that we as individuals can not efficiently do it ourselves. Crime is the forceful violation of another person's rights and the only legitimate circumstance to deprive a person of any of their rights is in response to their unlawful deprivation of another person's rights. And in all cases, the punishment should match the offense plus with extra compensation to the victim. It is a very simple philosophy that leaves no room for large, overbearing government.
The Classical Liberal's Worldview
Law predates the institution of civil government. There are no such things as law-makers, only law protectors. This natural law comes from God Himself and is perfect, and human laws are made only to the degradation of this law.
The natural rights of human beings to life, liberty, and the fruit of their labor (property) are given them by God. These rights are not granted by governments and can not lawfully be taken away by the same.
There are two kinds of force:
1. Aggressive (or coersive) force, which violates another person's rights and is therefore an unlawful use of force.
2. Defensive (or reactionary) force, which is in response to aggressive force. This is a lawful use of force.
All power emanates from the individual, thus, power flows upward. Governments therefore receive their power from the individuals that make up their populace, and should be held in check by the same. If a government breaks the social contract, it is the right of the people to remove it and institute proper government in its place.
The end of classical liberalism is true liberty. Thus, a classical liberal's job is never done. The classical liberal is always looking forward to that goal. This is in contrast to those that can be called “conservative” which defend the status quo and fight for what was, rather than looking forward to what should be. The true goals of classical liberalism have not yet been accomplished at any point in our country's history. Thomas Jefferson knew and understood this and fought for these goals until he died.
The Social Contract:
As Samuel Adams described in “The Rights of the Colonists,” an individual's relationship to proper government is a contractual business relationship. The people of a land pool their individual power and resources to create an organization, which is a government. This organization has contractual obligations to the people that created it. In this tradition, our founders wrote our Constitution, which begins with the words, “We the people of the United States...” It is the literal contract with America, and lays out the contractual obligations of our nation's federal government. We give the government certain resources, and then they must fulfill certain obligations to us, the people. Those obligations can be found summarized within the preamble to the Constitution, and are “to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”
Law predates the institution of civil government. There are no such things as law-makers, only law protectors. This natural law comes from God Himself and is perfect, and human laws are made only to the degradation of this law.
The natural rights of human beings to life, liberty, and the fruit of their labor (property) are given them by God. These rights are not granted by governments and can not lawfully be taken away by the same.
There are two kinds of force:
1. Aggressive (or coersive) force, which violates another person's rights and is therefore an unlawful use of force.
2. Defensive (or reactionary) force, which is in response to aggressive force. This is a lawful use of force.
All power emanates from the individual, thus, power flows upward. Governments therefore receive their power from the individuals that make up their populace, and should be held in check by the same. If a government breaks the social contract, it is the right of the people to remove it and institute proper government in its place.
The end of classical liberalism is true liberty. Thus, a classical liberal's job is never done. The classical liberal is always looking forward to that goal. This is in contrast to those that can be called “conservative” which defend the status quo and fight for what was, rather than looking forward to what should be. The true goals of classical liberalism have not yet been accomplished at any point in our country's history. Thomas Jefferson knew and understood this and fought for these goals until he died.
The Social Contract:
As Samuel Adams described in “The Rights of the Colonists,” an individual's relationship to proper government is a contractual business relationship. The people of a land pool their individual power and resources to create an organization, which is a government. This organization has contractual obligations to the people that created it. In this tradition, our founders wrote our Constitution, which begins with the words, “We the people of the United States...” It is the literal contract with America, and lays out the contractual obligations of our nation's federal government. We give the government certain resources, and then they must fulfill certain obligations to us, the people. Those obligations can be found summarized within the preamble to the Constitution, and are “to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
LBCCS Meeting Agenda
January 15, 2010
7:00 Opening Remarks - Paul Fiske
7:10 Invocation - Janice Bowman
7:12 Pledge of Allegiance - Eric Adams
7:15 Classical Liberalism Presentation - Ryan Burgett
7:40 Discussion
8:05 Break
8:10 "The Incredible Bread Machine" Video
8:38 Discussion
8:55 Closing Remarks - Paul Fiske
To learn more about this event, click here.
7:00 Opening Remarks - Paul Fiske
7:10 Invocation - Janice Bowman
7:12 Pledge of Allegiance - Eric Adams
7:15 Classical Liberalism Presentation - Ryan Burgett
7:40 Discussion
8:05 Break
8:10 "The Incredible Bread Machine" Video
8:38 Discussion
8:55 Closing Remarks - Paul Fiske
To learn more about this event, click here.
Monday, January 11, 2010
George Washington on Political Parties
Excerpt from George Washington's Farewell Address.
All obstructions to the execution of the Laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests.
However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion.
All obstructions to the execution of the Laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests.
However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
"The Invisible Hand Is a Gentle Hand"
by Sharon Harris,
The enemies of freedom have always maligned the free market. They have perpetuated myths like "dog-eat-dog capitalism," "survival of the fittest," "the law of the jungle." Robber barons. Heartless monopolies. A ruthless Wall Street fleecing a helpless Main Street.
It's time to speak out for the free market and individual liberty.
The great economist Adam Smith wrote that a free society operates as if "an invisible hand" directs people's actions — in such a way as to serve the interest of the whole society.
That invisible hand is a gentle one. A free market is a gentle market. A free society is a gentle society. A cooperative, compassionate, and generous society. An abundant and tolerant society.
David Friedman, in his book The Machinery of Freedom, notes that there are only three ways to get something: (1) by trading, (2) by receiving a gift (from love or friendship), or (3) by force ("do what I want or I'll shoot you"). Honest, peaceful people operate in the first two ways. Criminals and the state operate by force, aggression, coercion.
The gentle invisible hand vs. the visible fist of force. . .
To read the entire speech, click here.
The enemies of freedom have always maligned the free market. They have perpetuated myths like "dog-eat-dog capitalism," "survival of the fittest," "the law of the jungle." Robber barons. Heartless monopolies. A ruthless Wall Street fleecing a helpless Main Street.
It's time to speak out for the free market and individual liberty.
The great economist Adam Smith wrote that a free society operates as if "an invisible hand" directs people's actions — in such a way as to serve the interest of the whole society.
That invisible hand is a gentle one. A free market is a gentle market. A free society is a gentle society. A cooperative, compassionate, and generous society. An abundant and tolerant society.
David Friedman, in his book The Machinery of Freedom, notes that there are only three ways to get something: (1) by trading, (2) by receiving a gift (from love or friendship), or (3) by force ("do what I want or I'll shoot you"). Honest, peaceful people operate in the first two ways. Criminals and the state operate by force, aggression, coercion.
The gentle invisible hand vs. the visible fist of force. . .
To read the entire speech, click here.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
"Chasing Gelten Shadows"
by Jake Towne.
“Money is not an invention of the state. It is not the product of a legislative act.” - Carl Menger, 1871
Money is an invention of mankind. Our society refers to the irredeemable scraps of linen and ink as “money,” but in truth the dollar is no such thing. It is merely a currency, a medium of exchange, created by fiat – by government decree and force. The dollar is a phantom I.O.U. note. It is a Ponzi scheme and the central banking system issues new dollar currency whenever it wishes.
Dollars are toxic waste in the literal and fiscal sense. Literally, each dollar bill contains arsenic, cadmium, mercury, thallium, and cyanide and generates dumpster upon dumpster of hazardous waste every day. Fiscally, the dollar has lost 98.3% of its value as of January 1, 2010 since the creation of the central bank known as the Federal Reserve in 1913. (Note 1) Many Americans are unaware that the electrons and scraps of linen we trade around as currency are mere shadows of sound money. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
“Money is not an invention of the state. It is not the product of a legislative act.” - Carl Menger, 1871
Money is an invention of mankind. Our society refers to the irredeemable scraps of linen and ink as “money,” but in truth the dollar is no such thing. It is merely a currency, a medium of exchange, created by fiat – by government decree and force. The dollar is a phantom I.O.U. note. It is a Ponzi scheme and the central banking system issues new dollar currency whenever it wishes.
Dollars are toxic waste in the literal and fiscal sense. Literally, each dollar bill contains arsenic, cadmium, mercury, thallium, and cyanide and generates dumpster upon dumpster of hazardous waste every day. Fiscally, the dollar has lost 98.3% of its value as of January 1, 2010 since the creation of the central bank known as the Federal Reserve in 1913. (Note 1) Many Americans are unaware that the electrons and scraps of linen we trade around as currency are mere shadows of sound money. . .
To read the entire article, click here.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Announcing a Special LBCCS January Meeting!
At this month's meeting, we will be discussing Classical Liberalism and the Radical Roots of the American Revolution. Were our founding fathers Conservatives? [Modern] Liberals? Anarchists? We know from history that most of our founding fathers and the architects of the American Revolution were "Classical Liberals." This is the ideology that led them to resist and eventually fight the American Revolution. Some nowadays classify our founding fathers as terrorists, but if you understand their ideology and the true history of what happened, it becomes perfectly clear that they were justified in all that they did and were not "terrosists" even by a stretch of the brain. But were they radicals? Certainly.
Come and join us as we learn and discuss together! We will be meeting for the first time at the historic Belmont Inne in Bethlehem and will also be charging for entrance to the meeting. A snack buffet will be provided by the inn. Please RSVP by Facebook or email ( by January 12 so we can properly prepare for the group. We hope to see you there!
Friday, January 15 @ 7:00pm
$8 / person if RSVP'd by the 12th
$11 at the door.
The Belmont Inne
3750 Old Philadelphia Pike
Bethlehem, PA 18015
For a map and to get directions, click here.
Come and join us as we learn and discuss together! We will be meeting for the first time at the historic Belmont Inne in Bethlehem and will also be charging for entrance to the meeting. A snack buffet will be provided by the inn. Please RSVP by Facebook or email ( by January 12 so we can properly prepare for the group. We hope to see you there!
Friday, January 15 @ 7:00pm
$8 / person if RSVP'd by the 12th
$11 at the door.
The Belmont Inne
3750 Old Philadelphia Pike
Bethlehem, PA 18015
For a map and to get directions, click here.
"Paper Money and the Constitution"
by Rick Lynch,
Why do we have a Constitution? How and why did it come into existence? Just what, exactly, prompted the calling of the Constitutional Convention, which gave birth to it? Most Americans believe, logically enough, that with the passing of the British from the scene it was simply time to create a new government to take the place of the old. That notion, however, ignores the facts that Americans already had a functioning government at the time of the Convention and that that government had been in effect for six years following the final British defeat at Yorktown.
No, the overthrow of the old government and the establishment of the new were prompted by an internal tumult... that had nothing to do with the departure of the British. That crisis revolved around the printing of paper money by some of the newly freed states. . . .
To read the entire article, click here.
Why do we have a Constitution? How and why did it come into existence? Just what, exactly, prompted the calling of the Constitutional Convention, which gave birth to it? Most Americans believe, logically enough, that with the passing of the British from the scene it was simply time to create a new government to take the place of the old. That notion, however, ignores the facts that Americans already had a functioning government at the time of the Convention and that that government had been in effect for six years following the final British defeat at Yorktown.
No, the overthrow of the old government and the establishment of the new were prompted by an internal tumult... that had nothing to do with the departure of the British. That crisis revolved around the printing of paper money by some of the newly freed states. . . .
To read the entire article, click here.
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