Dear friends and students of liberty,
I have been serving with LBCCS since April of 2009, and have made it known to the Board that I will be stepping down as chairman in January of 2011. My time at LBCCS has been invaluable to me personally and I am a different person today because of it. While the study of truth impacts each person differently, my study of history, economics and political philosophy has left me on my knees. I am in awe of the natural order which governs the universe as a whole and mankind in particular. But even more than my awe for the natural order is my awe for the Creator who has brought it into existence.
In the midst of these last almost two years, the biggest breakthrough in my thinking came when I realized the connection between truth and order. Truth cannot exist apart from order, and order cannot exist apart from truth. If truth did not exist, order could not be possible. And if order did not exist, then truth could not be possible. If I drop a book, it will fall. That is a display of the law of gravity. This is a truth inherent to this world. I can drop that same book over and over and will always have the same result. Now, what if there was no truth? What if I could not trust gravity to always pull my book down? What if the book sometimes went up and sometimes went down? And what about mathematical laws? What if two plus two only sometimes equals four? In that case, there would be no order. But because there is truth, there is order. And because there is order, we know there is truth. That is the beauty of the Enlightenment, when men came to a new realization of the natural order, and it drove them to find the truth behind it. It is from this investigation of order that we have come to know the truth today which we call the natural order, or natural law.
But not only does truth and order speak of each other, they speak of a Creator. We call it the natural order, but the truth is that order does not spring up naturally from nothing. Truth requires an anchor, but order is not that anchor. This truth speaks of an almighty and intelligent Creator. The anchor from which all truth flows is God Himself. Jesus said, “I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life.” We also learn from the book of John that, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” Jesus is truth, and all truth flows from Him. When He created this universe, He wove into its very fabric natural laws that govern the actions of it men, as well as the other laws which we study in textbooks. Two plus two will always equal four. This is an example of the law of mathematics. As I mentioned before, when I drop my book, it always goes down. This is an example of the law of gravity. But what exactly are these natural laws which govern mankind? Richard Maybury put it best, (1) Do all that you have agreed to do (honor contracts) and (2) Do not encroach upon other persons or their property. And Jesus, the author of all truth, put it this way, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Mat. 7.12 paraphrase). These laws can also be learned by simply observing society. When I violate a person’s life, liberty, or property, the result is always violence, chaos and anger. But when I respect a person’s life, liberty, and property, the result is peace, order and happiness. From this simple example, we can see that a society which respects natural law would abound in peace, order and happiness, while a society which violates natural law will result in violence, chaos, and anger. This is readily observable in the world today. The countries which most respect these natural laws have the most peace, order, and happiness, while the countries which have least respect for the natural laws are the most violent, chaotic, and angry places on the planet.
But the unfortunate truth of today is that the last vestiges of natural law in our nation are being set aside. The rest of the world set them aside long ago with obvious consequences, but rather than learn from their mistakes, we are dashing headlong toward them. The United States was started by many men with a profound respect for the Creator and the laws which He built into the universe, and as result it quickly grew to prominence among the nations of the world and eventually surpassed them. Following the morality inherent in natural law, the government in this nation was designed to allow total economic and personal freedom to the individual. These are rights of individuals which do not have their origin in government, but in natural law. It is only a government which does not respect natural law, that would think they had a right to violate by force a person’s rights to life, liberty, or property. Only a government that supposes they have the right to violate an individual’s rights would take it upon themselves to regulate how a person can live their life and run their business. But this is contrary to natural law, and is therefore an immoral and illegal action. The book of Romans, chapter 13, tells us that God has given human government the authority to punish evildoers, which are those people who violate the rights of others. But the Bible stops there and gives human government no more power than that. We realize from this, that the governments of today which institutionalize the violation of their citizens’ rights, are acting on authority not granted by God, but granted by themselves. They have in fact become gods unto themselves, granting themselves authority which is reserved for God alone, and not human government. Then these men build great temples to themselves and lord over us. Have you ever been to Washington, DC? Can these great monuments and ivory temples speak of anything else? Behold the White Temple, the Capitol Temple, the Supreme Court’s Temple and the Federal Reserve’s Temple! If that is not proof enough, observe the famous “Apotheosis of Washington” which adorns the ceiling of the Capitol Rotunda dome! This mural is a depiction of Washington attaining godhood, the same godhood our supposed leaders of today feel they have right to. But George Washington was not a god, and neither are they. There is only one living God, and He is the Lord Jesus Christ. And even though our nation’s leaders print “in God we trust” on our coins and dollar bills, the only god they know is themselves.
The battle for liberty is deeper and darker than most are willing to admit. The same forces fighting against liberty both at home and abroad today are the spiritual descendents of the same tyrants seen through ages past. The only antidote to the problems of our nation today and the world as a whole is a renewed understanding of absolute truth, and a renewed faith in the one true God. The problems we face are not political problems, but heart problems. So while we continue the fight to restore natural law to its proper place in government, we must also acknowledge and live it in each of our everyday lives. We must respect each others rights to life, liberty, and property, and always treat others as we would have them treat us. This is the summation of the second greatest commandment, which is to “love your neighbor as yourself.” But as we strive to live out that commandment, let us never forget the first and greatest commandment, which is to “love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”
So now I find myself moving forward in life. In January I will begin the distance learning program with Calvary Chapel Bible College. There is no more concentrated a book of truth than the Bible itself and I am excited to devote myself into even deeper study of it. My life calling is to spread truth and my continuing studies will aid me in this endeavor. Between family, work, church, and now school responsibilities, I will no longer have the time and energy to devote to LBCCS, hence my reason for stepping down. I will dearly miss LBCCS and the friends I have made through it, but I am excited to see where God leads. My main goal through LBCCS was to spread truth, and that mission in my life has not changed. As I learn and grow, I am moving to new forums where I can fulfill my calling. In the meantime, my primary outlet is my new website, From there I will be writing articles and recording audio commentary on the greatest book ever written, the Bible, and I look forward to a day in the future when I can work full time in this great work of spreading truth.
Blessings in liberty,
Ryan Burgett
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
LBCCS Founder's Message
My Dear Ladies and Gentleman, True American Patriots All:
It has been decided by the Board to suspend the Study Group/Movie Night Meetings of L.B.C.C.S. until this upcoming, very important, Mid-Term Election Season is over. Not to begin until after the 1st of the New Year.
At that time a much improved format will be introduced, and many new attendees will be joining as we align ourselves with a new Veterans Assistance Program. This organization will be made up of three different disciplines educational/business coaching/Financial/ Lehigh Valley Institutions merging their efforts under one roof. This should be an exciting time for us, from 2011 forward.
Thank You All for your devoted commitment over the past year or so. Please pass this on to people whom I have missed on the above listing, and were regular members. As this new computer does not contain all the proper contact listings. Our best wishes to you all!! and we will see you again in 2011.
Paul J. Fiske, Founding Director, and
The Board of The Liberty Bell Center for Constitutional Studies
Allentown, Pa.
It has been decided by the Board to suspend the Study Group/Movie Night Meetings of L.B.C.C.S. until this upcoming, very important, Mid-Term Election Season is over. Not to begin until after the 1st of the New Year.
At that time a much improved format will be introduced, and many new attendees will be joining as we align ourselves with a new Veterans Assistance Program. This organization will be made up of three different disciplines educational/business coaching/Financial/ Lehigh Valley Institutions merging their efforts under one roof. This should be an exciting time for us, from 2011 forward.
Thank You All for your devoted commitment over the past year or so. Please pass this on to people whom I have missed on the above listing, and were regular members. As this new computer does not contain all the proper contact listings. Our best wishes to you all!! and we will see you again in 2011.
Paul J. Fiske, Founding Director, and
The Board of The Liberty Bell Center for Constitutional Studies
Allentown, Pa.
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