Friday, May 28, 2010

Excerpt from "The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved."

by James Otis, 1764

But let the origin of government be placed where it may, the end of it is manifestly the good of the whole. Salus populi supreme lex esto, is of the law of nature, and part of that grand charter given the human race, (tho’ too many of them are afraid to assert it,) by the only monarch in the universe, who has a clear and indisputable right to absolute power; because he is the only One who is omniscient as well as omnipotent...

The end of government being the good of mankind, points out its great duties: It is above all things to provide for the security, the quiet, and happy enjoyment of life, liberty, and property. There is no one act which a government can have a right to make, that does not tend to the advancement of the security, tranquility and prosperity of the people. If life, liberty and property could be enjoyed in as great perfection in solitude, as in society, there would be no need of government. But the experience of ages has proved that such is the nature of man, a weak, imperfect being; that the valuable ends of live cannot be obtained without the union and assistance of many. Hence ’tis clear that men cannot live apart or independent of each other: In solitude men would perish; and yet they cannot live together without contests. These contests require some arbitrator to determine them. The necessity of a common, indifferent and impartial judge, makes all men seek one; tho’ few find him in the sovereign power, of their respective states or any where else in subordination to it...

The form of government is by nature and by right so far left to the individuals of each society, that they may alter it from a simple democracy or government of all over all, to any other form they please. Such alteration may and ought to be made by express compact: But how seldom this right has been asserted, history will abundantly show. For once that it has been fairly settled by compact; fraud force or accident have determined it an hundred times. As the people have gained upon tyrants, these have been obliged to relax, only till a fairer opportunity has put it in their power to encroach again.

But if every prince since Nimrod had been a tyrant, it would not prove a right to tyranize. There can be no prescription old enough to supersede the law of nature, and the grant of God almighty; who has given to all men a natural right to be free, and they have it ordinarily in their power to make themselves so, if they please.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

York Declaration Seminar

This morning I had the pleasure of leading the York 9/12 Patriots in a study and discussion of The History, Philosophy, and Lasting Significance of the Declaration of Independence. To all of you in the group, I would like to say thanks for a wonderful time! They were a particularly enthusiastic and talkative group. It was a very refreshing time of looking at and discussing truth. Now, for those interested in further reading based on our multiple discussions, I would suggest the following articles:

The Roots of America's Political Parties - This article explains the reality behind our nation's political parties.

America's Heritage - Regarding the textbook controversy in Texas.

Foundational Truth: The Separation of Church and State - Regarding the importance of a proper separation of Church and State.

The Founding Fathers On Education - Regarding the views of our founders on public education.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Nullification - The Forgotten Check on the Federal Government"

By Jake Towne,

Yesterday, May 20th, I gave a short talk to the Concerned Citizens of Upper Perkiomen Valley for Smaller Government on the concept of nullification. Nullification is one of the checks the states have on the federal government where the state refuses to comply with federal law -- which are deemed harmful to the state and usually assume powers not delegated by the state to the federal government. Nullified federal laws are deemed null and void in the state(s) where passed and have no force. . .

To read the entire article, click here.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Movie Night at the Biery House

Friday, May 28, 2010
7:00 to 9:00 pm

The Historic Biery House
8 Race St.
Catasauqua, PA 18032

We plan to show Part One of the documentary "Founding Brothers" followed by group discussion as time allows. Part Two will be shown on June 11 at the same time and place:

Based on Joseph Ellis's Pulitzer Prize winning book, "Founding Brothers" examines six moments when the collision and collusions of these towering figures left an indelible imprint on the nation: the secret dinner that determined the site of the capital and America's financial future; Benjamin Franklin's call for an end to slavery; George Washington's farewell address to the nation; John Adams's term as president; Hamilton and Burr's famous and fatal duel; and the final reconciliation between Adams and Jefferson.

There will be no charge for entrance, but we will accept donations for use of the Biery House. Please RSVP by e-mail ( by May 24 so we can properly prepare for the group. We hope to see you there!

Finding the Biery House:
The house is on the left almost immediately after crossing the Race Street Bridge (heading East) in Catasauqua. Click here for a map.

Parking Information:
Follow the driveway beside the house all the way to a gravel parking lot at the back of the house (please do not park next to the house).

For questions please contact Eric at or 610-317-2651.